Materiales Biodegradables:

Seleccionar  Materiales Biodegradable reducen el impacto negativo generado por los residuos al  final de la vida del productos. Los residuos no biodegradables contaminan los ecosistemas durante muchos años.


Muchos de los productos y envases que consumimos están hechos con materiales que no se descomponen de forma natural. Al desecharlos los materiales que los componen perduran durante muchos años, contaminando el medio ambiente. Aunque los materiales sean reciclables, una parte importante de ellos acabarán accidentalmente acumulándose en la naturaleza. La acumulación de residuos, incluso si son tóxicos, provoca daños en la fauna y aumenta el riesgo de incendios.

Símbolo de sostenibilidad con impacto positivo en economía y negativo en el medio ambiente

Materiales No Biodegradables: Son más resistentes y fáciles de manipular. Desde el punto de vista económico reduce el coste de los materiales y los beneficios. El uso de estos materiales perjudica principalmente al medio ambiente, cuando los residuos no se gestionan de forma adecuada. Esta es la valoración del Índice de Sostenibilidad "+ Sostenibles":

  • Economía: (Positivo) Los materiales No Biodegradables son por logeneral más duraderos, resistentes y baratos de producir. Los Productos más baratos.
  • Medio-Ambiente: (Negativo) Contaminación, toxicidad en fauna y acumulación de residuos. Sin embargo los productos duraderos requieren menor demanda de materias primas
  • Sociedad: (Neutro) La toxicidad puede afectar a la salud, sin embargo reducen la demanda de productos alimenticios usados principalmente como materia prima para los materiales biodegradables.

Alternativas SOSTENIBLES

Seleccionar  materiales biodegradables, principalmente los que utilizan residuos para su fabricación. Evitar utilizar materiales biodegradables que se elaboran con derivados de productos alimenticios que a largo plazo pueden hacer aumentar el precio de los alimentos básicos. De esta forma se reducen residuos para producir materiales que  al desecharse no perduran, y no contaminan.

Abastecerse de materiales Biodegradables procedentes de residuos para que todas las partes ganen, empresas, medio ambiente y la sociedad (Representado por este símbolo). Es además un cambio de nuestro modelo productivo, a un modelo más sostenible, en el que las actividades industriales generan impactos positivos en el medio ambiente y las personas.  Sus beneficios son:

  • Economía (Positivo)Mejora imagen, diferenciación frente a la competencia, apertura a nuevos mercados en auge, mejora huella ecológica.
  • Medio Ambiente (Positivo): Reducir residuos, protección ecosistemas, menor demanda de material primas.
  • Sociedad (Positivo): Nuevos negocios y generación de empleo, reducción coste tratamiento residuos.

Tipos de Materiales Biodegradables:

Son materiales que se destruyen de forma natural en un periodo corto de tiempo, convirtiéndose en material orgánico inocuo para el medio ambiente. Estos productos substituyen materiales contaminantes con otros más respetuosos con el medio ambiente. Se fabrican principalmente a partir de alimentos.

  • Economía (Neutro): Mejora imagen, fidelidad consumidores.
  • Medio Ambiente (Neutro): Reduce residuos. Puede aumentar explotación recursos agrícolas
  • Sociedad (Negativo): Indirectamente crea nuevo empleo. Provoca aumento precio de alimentos básicos

Aditivos que se añaden en los procesos de produción de algunos materiales para reducir acelerar el proceso de degradación por acción microbiana. Convierte distintos tipos materiales en biodegradables.

  • Economía (Positivo)Mejora imagen con bajo coste.
  • Medio Ambiente (Positivo): Reduce acumulación de residuos.
  • Sociedad (Neutro): Indirectamente crea nuevo empleo.

Los Materiales biodegradables fabricados a partir de residuos, no requiere utilizar alimentos para fabricar estos materiales. Su producción no repercute por lo tanto en los precios de los alimentos. Protegen el medio ambiente reduciendo residuos y reduciendo el uso de materiales más contaminantes. Estos materiales generan nuevo empleo.

  • Economía (Positivo)Mejora imagen, menor exposición a subidas precios materias primas.
  • Medio Ambiente (Positivo): Reduce residuos y consumo de materiales contaminantes.
  • Sociedad (Neutro): Genera nuevo empleo.

Recursos sobre Materiales Biodegradables:

Algunos ejemplos de productos fabricados con materiales Biodegradables:

Ejemplos de aditivos para transformar materiales en Biodegradables:

Algunos plásticos puedan convertirse en Biodegradables añadiendo aditivos específicos durante su proceso de producción:

Base de Datos de Materiales Biodegradables:

Base de datos de productos sostenibles y sus suministradores

Beneficios para las empresas:

La demanda de productos fabricados con materiales biodegradables está en auge. Muchos consumidores están dispuestos a pagar algo más por productos que no dañen en medio ambiente.

La economía sostenible está en sus primeras etapas de desarrollo, es un mercado en crecimiento, con nuevos consumidores cada vez más exigentes. La empresas que se posicionen en este mercado a medio plazo tendrán ventajas competitivas frente a su competencia.

Otros Beneficios:

  • Crecimiento Sostenible
  • Acceso a un nuevo mercado Sostenible
  • Fidelización Clientes
  • Reputación / Buena imagen
  • Diferenciación


Más información sobre Empresas sostenibles y los retos para transicionar de un  Modelo productivo Lineal, poco sostenible a un Nuevo modelo productivo más sostenible en el que las actividades industriales generan impactos positivos en el medio ambiente y las personas. 


Desde el inicio de la era industrial se han creado nuevos materiales, prestando a poca atención a los efectos negativos en el medio ambiente . Estos nuevos materiales aportan nuevas prestaciones y  permiten fabricar nuevos productos, y hacerlos más baratos, pero sus residuos provocan grabes problemas medioambientales.

Se ha iniciado una tendencia a crear materiales biodegradables, que substituyan estos nuevos materiales, para que sus residuos se destruyan de forma natural sin afectar al medio ambiente.  Sin embargo muchos de los materiales biodegradables procedes de cereales, y otros alimentos, con el riesgo de que aumente la demanda de alimentos para producir materiales y repercuta en un  aumento del precio de los bienes básicos, aumentando la pobreza y la presión agrícola en el medio ambiente. 


Mucho residuos vegetales como la paja, ramas, se pueden transformar en materiales biodegradables. esto evita que se consuman  alimentos para producir materiales biodegradables. Existen además aditivos que se pueden añadir a materiales no degradables y convertirlos en materiales Biodegradables. Estos materiales  están cambiando nuestro modelo productivo. Estos materiales no solo respetan el medio ambiente,sino que contribuyen a mejorarlo, transformando residuos en nuevos materiales que no dañan el medio ambiente,  generando  por lo tanto impactos positivos.

Estos nuevos materiales sostenibles están cada vez más presentes en nuestro entorno y son muy demandados por los consumidores. Las empresas que los utilicen pueden ofrecer productos que ofrecen ventajas competitivas frente a los competidores.

 NOTICIAS sobre Materiales Biodegradables:

  • BiodegradablePlasticAdditive
  • Biosphereplastic-Blog
  • Error

Polylactic acid or PLA is a material which has been around for tens of years. Until recently no major producer of PLA existed until they were funded by mega corporations to come into the marketplace to replace synthetic plastic. BioSphere Plastic has been asked is PLA biodegradable, while the answer [...]

AHMEDABAD – Three bacteria families have been isolated by the research team at A&R Institute of Biotechnology. The microorganisms have been said to break down polyethylene, polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride. Researchers at the Institute are now moving their laboratory scale testing into real world environments at the local landfill. The [...]

BioSphere Plastic tests their product with 52-55% solids content and 45-48% moisture content, We also simulate drier landfills at 20 and 40% moisture content and 60-80% solid contents. Typical landfills are around 35% moisture content with premium biodegradation at 45% moisture content. Typical landfill moisture and solids content range from [...]

EuPC is the EU-level Trade Association, based in Brussels, representing European Plastics Converters. Conducted a study spanning over six months testing the impact of Oxo-degradable technologies. The testing protocol had called for over 9.45 metric tons of plastic carrier bags and over 3,700 measurements were taken during that six month [...]

Preliminary results for BioSphere Plastic show 81% biodegradation in 6 months using their 201 additive. The results are fantastic and we continue to monitor these results along with other polymers including polyethylene and polypropylene. The testing is conducted under simulation of landfills in accordance with the current Federal Limit of [...]

In recent headlines companies making oxo-degradable plastic additives have stated that their products do not emit methane gas when placed into landfills unlike bioplastics. BioSphere Plastic has been asked if this is possible. Can plastic biodegrade in a landfill and never emit methane gas? The simple answer is no. Biodegradation [...]

Biosphere Plastic has been working with the European Union for their “green paper” which was released in April of 2013. In recent news the European Union has blocked the Italian government from releasing a ban on packaging and bags which are not compostable. The Bill which was approved by the [...]

SGS Testing facility tested BioSphere’s additive for heavy metals and FDA compliance. The tests were performed under the 21 CFR 177.1630 and 21 CFR 177.1520 food contact for additives used in polymers. The results on the product made with BioSphere plastic additive is 100% conclusive that BioSphere’s additive is safe [...]

Landfill gas has been shown to create a carbon negative change in the environment when items that in landfills biodegrade. Many companies and “trade associations” are trying to market ideas which say landfills do not biodegrade. The Environmental Protection Agency has released information that assures citizens that 69% of the [...]

Polylactic acid or PLA is a material which has been around for tens of years. Until recently no major producer of PLA existed until they were funded by mega corporations to come into the marketplace to replace synthetic plastic. BioSphere Plastic has been asked is PLA biodegradable, while the answer [...]

AHMEDABAD – Three bacteria families have been isolated by the research team at A&R Institute of Biotechnology. The microorganisms have been said to break down polyethylene, polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride. Researchers at the Institute are now moving their laboratory scale testing into real world environments at the local landfill. The [...]

BioSphere Plastic tests their product with 52-55% solids content and 45-48% moisture content, We also simulate drier landfills at 20 and 40% moisture content and 60-80% solid contents. Typical landfills are around 35% moisture content with premium biodegradation at 45% moisture content. Typical landfill moisture and solids content range from [...]

EuPC is the EU-level Trade Association, based in Brussels, representing European Plastics Converters. Conducted a study spanning over six months testing the impact of Oxo-degradable technologies. The testing protocol had called for over 9.45 metric tons of plastic carrier bags and over 3,700 measurements were taken during that six month [...]

Preliminary results for BioSphere Plastic show 81% biodegradation in 6 months using their 201 additive. The results are fantastic and we continue to monitor these results along with other polymers including polyethylene and polypropylene. The testing is conducted under simulation of landfills in accordance with the current Federal Limit of [...]

In recent headlines companies making oxo-degradable plastic additives have stated that their products do not emit methane gas when placed into landfills unlike bioplastics. BioSphere Plastic has been asked if this is possible. Can plastic biodegrade in a landfill and never emit methane gas? The simple answer is no. Biodegradation [...]

Biosphere Plastic has been working with the European Union for their “green paper” which was released in April of 2013. In recent news the European Union has blocked the Italian government from releasing a ban on packaging and bags which are not compostable. The Bill which was approved by the [...]

SGS Testing facility tested BioSphere’s additive for heavy metals and FDA compliance. The tests were performed under the 21 CFR 177.1630 and 21 CFR 177.1520 food contact for additives used in polymers. The results on the product made with BioSphere plastic additive is 100% conclusive that BioSphere’s additive is safe [...]

Landfill gas has been shown to create a carbon negative change in the environment when items that in landfills biodegrade. Many companies and “trade associations” are trying to market ideas which say landfills do not biodegrade. The Environmental Protection Agency has released information that assures citizens that 69% of the [...]

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  • Error
  • BioBased News and Events from USDA BioPreferred Program
  • Agro & Chemistry

RSS Error: A feed could not be found at `http://www.allthings.bio/materials/feed/`; the status code is `404` and content-type is `text/html; charset=UTF-8`

Continued growth in biobased product sector benefits every state and the environment. Report finds industry responsible for 4.6 million American jobs.On the 10th anniversary of USDA's Certified Biobased Product Label, the USDA Deputy Under Secretary for Rural Development Justin Maxson unveiled an Economic Impact Analysis of the U.S. Biobased Products [...]

Okabashi, an American company, counts on U.S. soy for all its sandals. U.S.-grown soybean oil meets Okabashi's high standards for performance, strength and softness, and also qualified them to be recognized as a USDA Certified Biobased Product. [...]

Lead In: In Spring 2019, the National Center for Asphalt Technology tested the effectiveness of seven asphalt rejuvenating products at preserving pavement with age-related distresses. The only two products to earn Grade A status are both USDA Certified Biobased Products. Congratulations to Bio Based Spray Systems BioRestor® and BioSpan Technologies [...]

In the latest issue of American Cleaning & Hygiene, Program Analyst Kate Lewis explores a path to increasing biobased product adoption. Within the cleaning and hygiene industry, she notes, there have been significant technological advances and innovation when it comes to biobased products - all strongly linked to consumer demand. [...]

The BioPreferred® Program is participating in #BioplasticsWeek (Sept 23-27) - an online awareness campaign sponsored by the PLASTICS Industry Association, to highlight the benefits of and innovations in bioplastics. [...]

On July 9, 2019, USDA's BioPreferred Program released An Economic Impact Analysis of the U.S. Biobased Products Industry: 2018 Update. This report demonstrates how the biobased products industry has grown at the national level over a two-year period. Top findings show that biobased products, a segment of the bioeconomy, contributed [...]

Over recent years, there have been numerous discussions throughout the biobased community concerning products produced by captured carbon vs biobased. The BioPreferred Program will be assisting in the comparison discussion on testing, certification, and standards associated with biobased products "beginning of life" to recycled or captured carbon "end of life". [...]

USDA Forest Service Employees and USDA Contractor, Human Potential Consultants, Drive BioPreferred Results

Two Forest Service Employees and USDA contractor, Human Potential Consultants, received the FY 2017 USDA Excellence in BioPreferred Procurement Awards. [...]

The buzz on bio: is it the new hydrogen?

Not so long ago, only hydrogen experts were convinced about the potential to decarbonize the energy sector in Europe. If you look at the hydrogen hype today, you wonder what has changed. It was a niche sector yesterday, and is supposed to be the norm tomorrow. The hydrogen sceptics at [...]

Helping society understand the bioeconomy is part of the change needed

The message about the urgent need for action to deal with the threats to the environment and safeguard our planet’s future is inescapable. Every day, the news carries alarming stories about global warming; climate change; biodiversity loss; plastic pollution; deforestation; air pollution; melting ice caps and rising sea levels. Furthermore, [...]

Validating and unlocking the potential of Europe’s bioeconomy needs a great monitoring tool

With the right kind of legislation in place, the bioeconomy can bring circularity, sustainability and competitive production to Europe. This seems like an obvious statement to those of us who operate in this industry, but how can the benefits be proven and communicated with facts and figures to policymakers, other [...]

Getting the public invested in the bio-based industries by raising awareness

With record-breaking heatwaves across Europe this summer, the focus on climate change and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has taken on a renewed urgency. The bioeconomy plays a big role in helping to achieve the goals of the EU Green Deal, and BIC’s €2 billion public-private partnership with [...]

EU Bioeconomy Strategy Progress Report outlines the contribution of the bio-based industry

The European Commission recently published the Bioeconomy Strategy Progress Report (09/06/22) to track the progress of the EU’s 2018 Bioeconomy Strategy. As Executive Director of BIC, the private partner in the EU’s public-private partnership for growing and promoting the bio-based industries, it was good see that the report highlights the [...]

Making it easier to find regional funding for bio-based businesses

Regions play an important role in further developing the bio-based economy in Europe, as they can support the establishment of (regional) innovative value chains. They are also best situated to identify the locally available feedstocks (from agriculture, agrofood, forestry, residual and side streams, etc.) that can trigger the bio-based economy. [...]

The bio-economy has all the ingredients

The war in Ukraine has sharpened European leaders’ focus on finding the best way to build a more robust economic base, reduce strategic dependencies and reinforce the supply of critical materials. There is, in my view, one sector being overlooked: the bio-economy. Our latest data shows that the bio-economy has [...]

Moving towards a Circular Biobased Europe

We have recently published the last annual call of the current Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU). Since 2014, the kick-off date of the BBI JU, the bio-based industry in Europe has come a long way within the Horizon 2020 programme. As the Horizon 2020-programme is coming to an end, [...]

Let’s move forward with bio-based plastics!

Did you know that Henry Ford, the great inventor, was fascinated by the soy bean? During the Great Depression, he spent many hours in his laboratory trying to turn the humble bean into cheap plastic, so that more people could afford his Model T car. By 1941, Ford – who [...]

Growing interest in bio-based market applications … let’s continue the support

It has often been argued that a lack of demand-side policies such as no dedicated framework to promote bio-based products, or the absence of a ’green public procurement’ policy promoting bio-based products were key hurdles in developing the bio-economy in Europe. This was exacerbated by low public awareness of the [...]

 NEWS related with Biodegradable Materials

 Más Noticias

Biodegradable Materials Around the World Archives - BioSphere Plastic

Africa at the Forefront of Plastic Bans Wed, 09 Jan 2013

Mali and Mauritania became the next countries of Africa to ban non biodegradable plastic bags. Tanzania, Uganda, South Africa and... Read more

Polylactic Acid: BioPlastic Creates more Co2 Equivalent than Landfills Tue, 20 Nov 2012

Polylactic Acid or PLA manufactured by Natureworks LLC has come under fire recently with agriculture reports that show that nitrous oxide or... Read more

Polylactic Acid or PLA what is it? Tue, 06 Nov 2012

PLA is a slow biodegradable plastic and biocompatible thermoplastic which can be produced by fermentation from renewable resources. It can... Read more

Plastic Waste, Jakarta enforces a new policy. Sat, 03 Nov 2012

Jakarta, Indonesia Plastic Waste – Government officials begin to rethink their biodegradable plastic packaging regulations in Indonesia as the only... Read more

Plastic Ban in New Delhi Nov 24th Sat, 03 Nov 2012

New Delhi has been at the forefront of plastic bans since 2000 allowing only biodegradable plastic. In recent events New... Read more

Plastic bag Phenomena, Morocco 2nd Largest User Sat, 03 Nov 2012

Biodegradable plastic bags are between the cross hairs of yet another country in the world. Last week Morocco the second... Read more

What is Compostable? Wed, 31 Oct 2012

Compostable defines a product or material that can be broken down by nature into naturally occurring products within a period... Read more

Environment : BioSphere Plastic Signs SE Asia Tue, 16 Oct 2012

BioSphere Plastic signs an exclusive deal with BioSphere SE Asia for distribution within SE Asian countries which include Cambodia, Laos, Burma (Myanmar), Thailand, Vietnam and Peninsular Malaysia, and Maritime... Read more



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